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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2011;18(1):36-45. Published online: Jan, 1, 2011
Objectives:Though a proportion of
Alzheimer's disease(AD) patients treated with donepezil have shown positive response on cognition, but the
responders' characteristics are still uncertain. This study attempts to identify whether a single oral dose of donepezil(5mg) can change cognition and the relationship between single dose responder items and long-term responder are examined.
Methods:Twenty-three AD patients for single donepezil challenge study group and eleven AD patients for controls were participated in the study. Seven days after baseline study for neuropsychological test and EEG, same studies were rechecked after donepezil medication in study group. In donepezil study groups, 12 weeks after donepezil medication, neuropsychological test and EEG were rechecked.
Results:After single donepezil challenge, forward digit span, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test copy, SVLT delayed recall were significantly improved, and beta spectra power in anterior, theta spectra power in posterior field were significantly decreased. According to linear regression analysis, forward digit span after single donepezil challenge was significantly positive correlated with long-term responders.
Conclusions:This study suggests that single donepezil medication can significantly change cognitive functions and EEG in AD patients. Among these responsive items, forward digit span was significantly correlated with long-term responder.
Keywords Alzheimer's disease;Donepezil;Single dose;Responder;Electroencephalography.