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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 1994;1(1):67-78. Published online: Jan, 1, 1994
The author examined the relationship of two markers, D5S39(p105-153Ra), D5S76(p105-599Ha) of chromosome 5 and D2, D3 receptor genes in a Korean schizophrenic pedigree using polymerase chain reaction(PCR). The results were as follows : 1) On D5S39 locus, 5 different alleles(224/226 bp : 4 cases, 218/226 bp : 3 cases, 222/226 bp : 3 cases, 218/230 bp : 1 case, 222/224 bp : 1 case) were produced. 2) On D5S76 locus, 5 different alleles(102/112 bp : 4 cases, 94/112 bp : 3 cases, 108/112 bp 3 cases, 94/94 bp : 1 case, 102/108 bp 1 case) were produced. 3) On D2 receptor gene, 3 different alleles(A1A2 : 8 cases, A1A1 : 2 cases, A2A2 : cases) were produced. 4) On D3 receptor gene, 2 different alleles(1/2 : 7 cases, 1/1 : 5 cases) were produced. The author had not lind any specific alleles on all four loci in all pedigree nor any specific alleles in the schizophrenic patients. Though the author has not found absolute relationship between the four loci and the onset of schizophrenia, there still remains the possibilities if the more detailed and elaborated pedigree studies are done.
Keywords Genetic linkage;Polymerase chain reaction;Molecular biology;Schizophrenic pedigree.