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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2001;8(2):258-65. Published online: Feb, 1, 2001
Objectives:Chronic alcohol consumption has been known to result in various neurocognitive deficits. Many neuropsychological studies revealed that the major disturbances occurred in the executive function, learning and short-term memory, visuospatial performance function, perceptuo-motor skills, and abstraction and problem solving abilities. This study was done to identify which cognitive areas might be mainly affected.
Methods:The cognitive disturbance was evaluated using the Korean Version of the Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE- K) and the 7 Minute Screen(7MS) in male inpatients with alcohol dependence(N=31) as well as in age and education level matched healthy male controls(N=30). Four individual tests of the 7MS were consisted of the Benton Temporal Orientation Test, the Enhanced Cued Recall, the Clock Drawing and the Category Fluency.
Results:1) The average scores of four individual test of the 7MS for the alcoholics were 2.77±4.38 for the Benton Temporal Orientation Test, 13.90±2.02 for the Memory Test(the Cued Recall 6.77±1.94, the Uncued Recall 7.10±2.45), 5.84±1.86 for the Clock Drawing, and 12.58±3.29 for the Category Fluency. Except the Benton Temporal Orientation Test, there were statistically significant differences between test scores of alcoholics and those of controls(p<0.01). 2) The alcoholics who had MMSE-K score <24 were 9.68%. The average(±S.D.) score of the MMSE-K for the patient group(27.23±2.62) was significantly(p<0.001) lower than that of the healthy controls(29.20±1.24). There were no statistically significant differences between four individual test scores of the 7MS of alcoholics with the MMSE-K score <24(N=3) and those of alcoholics with the MMSE-K score ≥24(N=28). 3) Four individual test scores of the 7MS seemed to have statistically significant association with such variables as MMSE-K, duration of alcohol drinking, blood magnesium concentration, liver function and thyroid function.
Conclusion:Mild deficits of cognitive areas such as orientation, memory, visuospatial abilities and verbal fluency could be found in alcohol dependence.
Keywords Alcohol dependence;Neurocognitive deficit;The 7 Minute Screen;Executive function;Short-term memory;Visuospatial.