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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
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2021 Impact Factor 1.766
5-Year Impact Factor 1.674
Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2002;9(2):112-9. Published online: Feb, 1, 2002
Object:This study was to investigate the difference of speech perception ability in schizophrenic patients, and depression patients in order to explore trait-dependent speech perception ability of each disorder.
Methods:The speech perception ability was assessed with masked speech tracking test(MST) in schizophrenic patients(N=31), depression patients(N=25), and normal controls(N=21). The continuous performance test(CPT) and sentence repetition test(SRT) were also used for assessment of attention and working memory.
Results:The schizophrenic patients showed significant impaired MST performance, compared with depressive patients and normal controls. The performances of CPT and SRT were also more impaired in schizophrenic patients. The difference of MST performances between two patient group was cancelled out after consideration of differences in CPT & SRT performances.
Conclusions:These results imply that schizophrenic patients have the impaired speech perception ability compared with depressive patients and normal controls. But speech perception ability was significantly influenced with CPT and SRT. For evaluation of pure speech perception ability, the more elaborate controlled study that excluded factors such as attention, working memory and intelligence is needed.
Keywords Schizophrenia;Speech perception.